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Showing 97-108 of 269 Results


Take Action to End Child Marriage on International Youth Day

[caption id="attachment_63101" align="aligncenter" width="2300"] Groom and underage bride during a mass marriage in Malda, India. March 2, 2006. Child marriage, which is illegal under international law and prohibited in many…

August 12, 2015


What’s next for women’s rights? Have your say!

  This month we celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 and the kick-off of the 59th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Both of these events happen every year. But…

March 17, 2015


Gender-Based Violence and the Arms Trade Treaty

[caption id="attachment_55941" align="alignleft" width="3529"] FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images[/caption] By: Alice Dahle, Co-chair, Women's Human Rights Thematic Specialist On December 24, the first ever international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) regulating the sale…

December 9, 2014


Why Birth and Death are Simultaneous for Women in South Africa

[caption id="attachment_55591" align="alignleft" width="4000"] Poor infrastructure, lack of privacy and limited access to health services are only a few of the factors contributing to the devastating maternal mortality rate in…

December 3, 2014


Let’s put the 16 Days campaign out of business

[caption id="attachment_55471" align="alignleft" width="3697"] (FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images)[/caption] We all know how unfortunately easy it is to find innumerable instances of violence against women occurring on a daily basis in every…

December 1, 2014


Good News! Afghan Authorities Commit to Ensure Brishna’s Safety

[caption id="attachment_55086" align="alignleft" width="3872"] (FARSHAD USYAN/AFP/Getty Images)[/caption] Victory! Following the sentencing of Brishna’s rapist, Afghan authorities have now committed to ensuring Brishna’s protection. In May 2014, Brishna, a 10-year-old girl…

November 22, 2014