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Showing 1-12 of 269 Results


Six Months of Wins for Human Rights

In the past six months, Amnesty International has contributed to a series of human rights wins, with people released from jail, laws changed, and justice served!

July 17, 2024
GV 2024 von Amnesty International Schweiz in Biel. Die Verwendung steht der Kundin frei. Eine Verwendung durch Ditte ist nicht erlaubt. Ausser bei Ruecksprache mit dem Fotografen und bei entsprechender finanzieller Entschaedigung.
(Jakob Ineichen)


Celebrating the Human Rights Wins of 2023

Although human rights are being gravely undermined in numerous countries across the world, Amnesty International’s supporters and activists have shown that change is always possible.

December 12, 2023
Group of people jumping for joy on a beach