President Trump’s history and campaign promises warn of major threats to human rights under his second presidential administration at a time of great global instability and uncertainty.
As the oldest and largest grassroots human rights organization in the world, we are ready to defend human rights, like we have always done, no matter who is in the White House. With YOU, our members, by our side, we will expose abuse, organize, protect human rights, and turn despair into hope.
Join our efforts and do your part to protect human rights during President Trump’s presidency.
Take action to dismantle the mass deportation machine and invest in welcoming communities.
No government is beyond scrutiny. No situation is beyond hope.
Our movement was made for moments like this. We know what we’re up against – we’ve been fighting leaders who attack human rights for decades. We’re in this fight for the long haul, and we’ll do it together. We can and must use our collective power to defend human rights and protect our most vulnerable communities, here and around the world.
With so much at stake, we must not let despair overtake us. We must be the light that shines on injustice and works to stop anti-human rights agendas around the world.