Urgent Action Victory! Nader Abdulemam Released After Serving Term (Bahrain: UA 51.17)

Prisoner of conscience, Nader Abdulemam, was released from Jaw prison on 30 June after completing his six-month prison sentence.

Bahraini activist Nader Abdulemam was released on 30 June from Jaw prison, south of the capital Manama, having served the remaining four and a half months of his six month prison sentence.

Nader Abdulemam was arrested in January 2013 and detained for one and half months and was released pending trial. On 28 April 2016 he was sentenced to six months in prison on charges of “participating in an illegal gathering” and posting comments on Twitter, calling on people to join a peaceful protest in Manama in January 2013. The Court of Appeal upheld his sentence on 17 January 2017.

On 18 February, Nader Abdulemam was arrested by three policemen in civilian clothing at around 5 pm at his work place and taken to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Amnesty International will continue to monitor Nader Abdulemam’s situation.

No further action is requested by the UA Network. Many thanks to all who sent appeals.