Cecilia Strzyzowski (28 years old) has been missing since June 1. She was last seen with her husband, César Sena, in Resistencia, Province of Chaco, Argentina. Her disappearance is being investigated as a femicide after possible human bones, blood traces and pieces of clothing were found at two properties belonging to Sena’s family who are powerful local leaders and were pre- candidates for the recent provincial elections. As a part of the investigation, César Sena and his parents have been detained. We demand an effective, impartial, independent, timely and gender-sensitive investigation to establish the truth about the disappearance and possible femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowksi.
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Jorge Cáceres Olivera Investigating Prosecutor
Chaco Province Public Prosecutor Office Email: [email protected]
Jorge Martín Arturo Argüello
The Embassy of Argentina 1600 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009
Main Number: (202) 238-6400
Dear Jorge Cáceres Olivera,
I am writing to express my deep concern about Cecilia Strzyzowksi who has disappeared since June 1, from the Province of Chaco and whose case has so far led to the arrest of her husband César Sena and his parents, members of a powerful local political family.
Cecilia’s disappearance is being investigated as a femicide after possible human bones, blood traces and pieces of clothing were found at two properties belonging to the family of César Sena and the crime is allegedly set to have occurred as a part of an episode involving gender-based violence.
After a month of not knowing Cecilia’s whereabouts, it is of the utmost importance that the prosecution team ensures all available legal actions are taken to establish what happened to Cecilia, in an effective and timely manner.
In Argentina, as in the rest of the Americas, there is a pattern of systematic impunity in judicial prosecution and proceedings in cases of violence against women since most of these cases lack effective investigation, punishment and reparation. Given this reality, it is essential that the judiciary adopt all the resources at its disposal to advance the investigation as a matter of urgency, break the cycle of impunity, ensure that the lives of women and girls are protected and ensure that cases of gender- based violence are addressed in line with national, regional and international human rights standards. On the same line, there must be appropriate accessible protective mechanisms to prevent further and potential gender-based violence, and effective reparation must be available to victims.
I urge you that the investigation for Cecilia’s disappearance and possible femicide is carried out in accordance with legal standards that seek to address all forms of violence against women; due diligence is ensured throughout the investigation; urgent, thorough, effective, truly independent and impartial, timely and gender-sensitive investigation is conducted to shed light on the facts and convicts those responsible; and the victim’s family members are meaningfully involved in the search and all phases of the criminal process. We urge you to send an unequivocal message that gender- based violence will not be tolerated and will not go unpunished.
Yours Sincerely,
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