Update: Prisoner of Conscience at Risk of COVID-19

UA: Cuba 122.19
This action ended on April 24, 2020

63-year-old independent journalist Roberto Quiñones Haces, imprisoned on 11 September 2019 for “resistance” and “disobedience”, remains in the Provincial Prison of Guantánamo in concerning unsanitary conditions, according to reports. His family stated he has also developed health conditions, which may put him at increased risk of COVID-19. We demand Cuban authorities immediately and unconditionally release him and other prisoners of conscience in the country, amid grave fears over the spread of COVID-19 in Cuba’s prisons.

  1. Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
  2. Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 122.19. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
Miguel Díaz Canel President of the Republic of Cuba Due to postal restrictions caused by COVID-19, please only send physical mail to the Embassy Email: [email protected] Twitter: @DiazCanelB
Ambassador José Ramón Cabañas Embassy of Cuba 2630 16th St NW, Washington DC 20009 Phone: 202 797 8515 | Fax: 202 797 8521 Twitter: @EmbaCubaEEUU @JoseRCabanas Salutation: Dear Ambassador
Dear President, I am deeply concerned about the health and safety of 63-year-old independent journalist and prisoner of conscience Mr Roberto Quiñones Haces, serving a one-year sentence in the Provincial Prison of Guantánamo. Recently, Mr Quiñones has reportedly developed gastrointestinal and other health complications linked to pre-existing medical conditions, according to his family. Mr Quiñones has also written about his prison conditions, including overcrowding, poor food and water quality, and lack of adequate medical attention. According to the World Health Organization, some individuals appear to be at particular risk of severe illness or death linked to COVID-19, including older individuals and people with pre-existing medical conditions. Mr Quiñones falls under both conditions. Under international law, Cuba must protect at-risk populations, such as people in detention, from COVID-19 without discrimination. Therefore, I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Roberto Quiñones Haces and all prisoners of conscience in Cuba. Yours sincerely, ADDITIONAL RESOURCES