UA: Brazil 54.22
This action ended on June 16, 2022

On the morning of June 5, 2022, Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, environmental and Indigenous peoples’ rights defenders, were disappeared in the Javari Valley, in the Brazilian Amazon. On June 15, 2022, the Federal Police reported that one of the two people arrested on suspicion of involvement in their disappearances confessed to having murdered them, and that remains found in the forest had been forwarded to forensics. Authorities made stigmatizing statements against Bruno and Dom, issued contradictory information, and conducted a belated investigation without sufficient resources or transparency. We urge the General Prosecutor of the Republic to guarantee a prompt, thorough, impartial, and independent investigation into this case, and bring those suspected of criminal responsibility to justice.

  1. Please take action as-soon-as possible. This Urgent Action expires on August 11, 2022.
  2. Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
  3. Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 54.22. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
Augusto Aras, General Prosecutor of the Republic SAF Sul Quadra 4 Conjunto C BrasĂ­lia/DF- Brazil – Postal Adress 70050-900 Email: [email protected]
Ambassador Nestor Forster Jr. Embassy of Brazil 3006 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20008 Phone: 202 238 2700 I Fax: 202 238 2827 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @BrazilinUSA ; @BRAmbassadorUS Facebook: @BrazilianEmbassy Instagram: @brazilinusa Salutation: Dear Ambassador

SAMPLE LETTER General Prosecutor of the Republic, On June 15, 2022, the Federal Police confirmed that Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, defenders of the environment and the rights of Indigenous peoples, were murdered after being disappeared in the Javari Valley region on June 5, 2022. Two people are detained for alleged involvement in the case, and one of them confessed to the crime. However, the situation is far from being resolved. The Brazilian State has a duty to ensure that all the circumstances that culminated in the disappearances and deaths of Bruno and Dom are conducted promptly, transparently and respecting human rights throughout the process. We ask you to guarantee a prompt, thorough, impartial, and independent investigation into the disappearances and deaths of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, considering their human rights work. All suspects of criminal responsibility must be brought to justice. We demand justice for Bruno and Dom. Their families must have access to truth and reparation, as well as the Indigenous peoples of the Javari Valley and all Brazilian society. Tragedies like this can’t happen again. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME]   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES