Update: Detained Journalist Ends His Hunger Strike

UA: Morocco 140.19
This action ended on November 6, 2019

On 31 October 2019, detained journalist Rabie Lablak ended his 45 day-long hunger strike, which he started in protest of the alleged torture and ill-treatment he has suffered at the hands of Moroccan security officials. The prison administration claimed that Rabie never informed the administration of his hunger strike and that his activities proved he was in good health. In April 2019, Rabie Lablak was transferred to Tanger 2 prison after being detained in Casablanca prison in May 2017 for his involvement in the Hirak El-Rif protests.

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Mr. Mustapha Ramid Minister in charge of Human Rights Angle Avenue Ibn Sina et Rue Oued El Makhazine Agdal – Rabat 10070 Fax: +21253767115
Her Highness Princess Lalla Joumala Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco 3508 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008 Phone: 202 462 7979 I Fax: 202 462 7643 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @morocco_usa Salutation: Your Highness

Your Excellency, On 31 October 2019, the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) announced that detained journalist Rabie Lablak decided to end his hunger strike after 45 days due to the deterioration of his health condition. Lablak began his hunger strike on 6 September 2019 in protest of the alleged torture and ill-treatment he has suffered at the hands of Moroccan security officials since his arrest in 2017. In June 2018, Rabie Lablak was sentenced to five years in prison for “spreading false information and the usurpation of the profession of journalism” in what his lawyer alleges was an unfair trial. I therefore ask you to immediately and unconditionally release Rabie Lablak and quash his conviction. Pending his release, I call on you to ensure he has access to qualified health professionals and healthcare provided in line with medical ethics, including the principles of confidentiality, autonomy, and informed consent. I finally call on you to investigate the conditions of his detention and the lack of adequate healthcare provided during his hunger strike. Yours sincerely, ADDITIONAL RESOURCES