Iranian teenager Abolfazl Chezani Sharahi remains at risk of execution after his execution scheduled for 17 January was postponed. He was 14 years old at the time of the crime of which he was convicted. Since 2014, he has been subjected to the anguish of being transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for his execution four times.
Iranian teenager Abolfazl Chezani Sharahi remains at risk of execution after his execution scheduled for 17 January was postponed. He was 14 years old at the time of the crime of which he was convicted. Since 2014, he has been subjected to the anguish of being transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for his execution four times. 1) TAKE ACTION Write a letter, send an email, call, fax or tweet:- Cancel any plans to execute Abolfazl Chezani Sharahi and ensure that his death sentence is commuted without delay;
- Immediately establish an official moratorium on executions of all juvenile offenders and commute their death sentences without delay;
- Amend Article 91 of the 2013 Islamic Penal Code to completely abolish the use of the death penalty for crimes committed by individuals below the age of 18, in line with Iran’s human rights obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Contact these two officials by 2 March, 2018:
Deputy Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights Kazem Gharib Abadi Esfandiar Boulevard Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran Salutation: Dear Excellency
H.E. Gholamali Khoshroo Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations 622 Third Avenue, 34th Floor New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 687-2020 I Fax: (212) 867-7086 Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Excellency
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