Thousands of children and adolescents asylum seekers in Peru face increased risks because authorities are denying them humanitarian immigration status, a type of temporary legal residency which they are entitled to under the Peruvian law and that allows them to get an identification card. Without this, they cannot access basic rights, such as education and health. Call on the Peruvian State to grant children and adolescents asylum seekers with humanitarian immigration status with no further delay.
TAKE ACTION:- Please take action as-soon-as possible. This Urgent Action expires on January 3, 2022.
- Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
- Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 119.21. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
Oscar Maúrtua De Romaña
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jr. Lampa 545
Cercado de Lima, Lima, Perú
Email: [email protected]
Ambassador Oswaldo de Rivero
Embassy of Peru
1700 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036
Phone: 202 833 9860 I Fax: 202 659 8124
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PeruInTheUSA
Instagram: @peruintheusa
Contact Form:
Dear Minister Oscar Maúrtua De Romaña,
I am writing to express my concern about the situation of thousands of children and adolescents seeking asylum in Peru. According to the information received, while adults have been granted humanitarian immigration status (a type of temporary legal residency that gives people access to an immigration document during the asylum claim proceedings) in recent months, asylum seekers and refugee children and adolescents were denied this same right.
Civil society organizations have registered at least 20 cases of children and adolescents who were denied the aforementioned humanitarian immigration status, without there being any justification in the current regulations for such a decision. Despite several meetings between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and civil society organizations held in September and October of this year to deal with that serious and pressing issue, there is no institutional response from the Peruvian authorities.
The failure to consider children and adolescents for a migratory condition they are entitled to, and to deliver them immigration documentation is discriminatory and puts thousands of them at risk, as it prevents them from accessing basic human rights, such as access to health and education.
I urge the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru to adopt without further delay measures to broaden its criteria for issuing humanitarian immigration status to children and adolescents asylum seekers, in order to guarantee they can enjoy all their human rights without any discrimination.
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