UA: Venezuela 55.23
This action ended on July 26, 2023
Guillermo Zárraga, a 59-year-old Venezuelan engineer and a former oil industry unionist, was arbitrarily detained in November 2020 at his home by officers from the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence. Since then, he has been charged and tried for criminal association and for allegedly revealing national security information, although there is no evidence to support these allegations. Guillermo’s health situation has suffered severely as result of inhumane detention conditions and lack of adequate nutrition. In March he suffered a cardiac syncope, and the blood test results show a severe disbalance that need urgent and trusted medical care.


  1. Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
  2. Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 55.23. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.


Celsa Bautista Ontiveros
Minister of Penitentiary Affairs
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Asuntos Penitenciarios,
Avenida Venezuela, Edificio Platinum, Urbanización El Rosal, Municipio Chacao,


Dear Minister

I am deeply concerned over the health of Guillermo Zárraga, who is currently imprisoned at the Centro Penitenciario Región Capital Yare II, Venezuela. He remains unfairly detained since November 2020 and has since faced unfounded criminal charges.

Guillermo has endured inhumane prison conditions and authorities in charge of his personal integrity have unjustifiably and repeatedly neglected his health and wellbeing. Since his imprisonment, his family reports Guillermo’s weight has dropped over 20 kilos and is yet to receive adequate medical attention for the cardiac syncope and related injuries he suffered in March.

Moreover, Guillermo’s trial was mired by flaws in due process guarantees in violation of his right to a fair trial. Reports claim he was arrested and charged on false or non-existent evidence, denied access to trusted legal defense, and even coerced to admit to the alleged crimes he was accused of.

Guillermo should be released from his arbitrary detention, while he is in custody of the state, I call upon you to urgently ensure he receives immediate, adequate and trusted medical care. Guillermo’s life cannot continue to be at risk because of penitentiary authorities’ refusal to guarantee his right to decent prison conditions and personal integrity.

Yours sincerely,