All Executions Are Wrong
The disturbing facts and drama surrounding Troy Davis’ case created a remarkable amount of attention. But all executions are wrong.
Saudi Women Gain Right to Vote, But Not Drive
Saudi Arabia has given women the right to vote for first time in next nationwide local elections. But how much will this move really bring the country towards gender equality?
Even The Senate Can Agree: Women in Saudi Arabia Must Be Allowed Political Participation
Political participation is a fundamental human right but half the population of Saudi Arabia will be ineligible to vote in September's election.
Press Release
Proposed Saudi Arabia “Anti-Terror” Law Would Crush Peaceful Dissent and Protest, Says Amnesty International
Amnesty International has obtained copies of a secret draft Saudi Arabian anti-terrorism law that would allow the authorities to prosecute peaceful dissent with harsh penalties as "terrorist crime."
Saudi Arabia Continues Crackdown on Women
Women in Saudi Arabia continue to fight for increased reform and rights in the wake of the widespread demonstrations for the right to drive.
Women Activists Prepare to Defy Saudi Arabian Driving Ban
Women in Saudi Arabia have launched a campaign to challenge a discriminatory driving ban and plan to drive en masse on June 17.
Woman Challenging Ban On Driving Arrested In Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian authorities have detained a woman who has urged other women to challenge a discriminatory driving ban.
Death Sentence of Convicted Sorcerer Rejected in Saudi Arabia
The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia today decided not to ratify the death sentence of a Lebanese man accused of "sorcery."
Man Sentenced to Death in Saudi Arabia for 'Sorcery'
“Sorcery” isn’t actually defined as a crime in Saudi Arabian law, but it’s been used to punish people for the peaceful expression of human rights such as the freedom of…
You Have Been Sentenced to…Paralysis?
A judge in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia is considering the possibility of paralysis as punishment in retribution for similar injuries a man allegedly caused during a fight. Saudi Arabia must not…