
The Long Fight for Justice in Egypt after Mubarak

Egyptian authorities must provide justice to victims of violent repression during mass protests earlier this year. Amnesty's new report documents abuses that led to at least 840 deaths.

May 20, 2011


What Will Obama Say To Muslim World?

On May 19th President Obama will articulate the US position on the events of the "Arab Spring." Will he address ongoing human rights violations in the region?

May 19, 2011


Egypt Must Investigate Security Forces Crimes

To bring change to Egypt, the long-standing pattern of extralegal and security forces abuses must end. A new Amnesty International report documents why accountability is key.

April 20, 2011


'Virginity Tests' for Egyptian Women Protesters

When it comes to devising ways of stripping peaceful protesters of their dignity, the Egyptian military may have just set a new standard for outrage: Egyptian women arrested during a…

March 23, 2011


Speak Out in Solidarity with Egyptian Women!

From the moment protests began in Egypt on January 25, women have been on the frontlines, demanding respect for the human rights of all Egyptians. On Tuesday, in honor of…

March 11, 2011