WHAT: Europe At Risk: Human Rights and the Response to COVID-19 in Hungary and Russia
WHO: Daniel Balson, advocacy director for Europe and Central Asia at Amnesty International USA
David Vig, director of Amnesty International Hungary
WHEN: Thursday, April 23, 1-1:30PM EST/10:00-10:30AM PST. The structure will include a welcome and a presentation by speakers, followed by 20 minutes of Q & A for media
HOW: Please RSVP to Mariya Parodi, at [email protected] for the call-in information
Those interested in receiving regular updates and briefing documents from Amnesty experts can also email [email protected] to be included on the COVID-19 distribution list.
More information:
Prisoner of conscience Konstantin Kotov will remain in jail in Russia (news, April 20)
Failures to guarantee safe access to abortion in Europe endangers health of women, girls amid COVID-19 (news, April 8)
Amnesty International highlights human rights priorities for country responses to COVID-19 (report, April 1)
Authorities in Russia urged to protect half a million prison population in face of COVID-19 (March 31)
Granting government in Hungary unlimited power under new COVID-19 law is disturbing development (March 30)
Decision of Bosnia to confine thousands of migrants into camp inhumane and puts lives at risk (news, March 27)
More about COVID-19 and international human rights: https://www.amnestyusa.org/distant-but-together-responding-to-covid-19/