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Write a Letter, Save a Life: Write for Rights 2017

Date & Time
December 16, 2017 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm EST
The Crucible, 1260 7th Street, Oakland, CA 94607, United States
1260 7th Street
Oakland, 94607 United States

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Every year, near International Human Rights Day, we hold a “write-a-thon” to generate hundreds of letters of support on behalf of Prisoners of Conscience and other individuals at risk around the world. This is part of Amnesty Internationals global Write For Rights (W4R) campaign, started in 2007 by a local chapter in Poland. We cordially invite you to join us on Saturday December 16th, 10am-5:00 pm at the Crucible, an arts education organization that fosters a collaboration of arts, industry, and community. Please check our website www.amnestyeastbay.org for details and updates.