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Vermont State Meeting

Date & Time
February 3, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm EST
Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building
85 South Prospect St
Burlington, VT 05401 United States

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Please mark your calendars for our Amnesty International Vermont Annual Statewide Meeting on Saturday, February 3, 2018.

It will be a wonderful opportunity for all of us from around the state to get together with like-minded Amnesty members and activists to share thoughts and strategies, get Amnesty International updates and learn how we can best continue working together as human rights defenders in Vermont…and in the world!

There is ample parking available nearby. A pizza lunch will be provided.

So much has happened in our country and around the world this past year. Let’s get together to share important human rights information and positive energy. Come join us on February 3rd.

Please RSVP to the email address or phone number below by January 31st, if you plan to attend. Feel free to bring others who might want to learn more about Amnesty International.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Very Best,

Carolyn Smiles
Area Coordinator for AI in VT
Co-Chair, Champlain Valley AI Local Group
[email protected]