Join Amnesty International for a live virtual film screening “A Broken Trust: Sexual Assault & Justice on Tribal Lands,” a 45-minute documentary chronicling Native women’s journey seeking justice for sexual assault. The film will be followed by a talk-back (conversation and Q&A) with Tarah Demant, Director, Gender, Sexuality, and Identity Program at Amnesty International USA and Keri Colfer, Congressional Advocate on Native American Policy, Friends Committee on National Legislation
April is Sexual Violence Awareness Month and as we confront this global health pandemic it is important that measures such as the reauthorization for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) does not get sidelined. Learn more about the human rights implications that we are facing in light of COVID-19, how we can ensure VAWA is reauthorized, and actions you can take to support Native women.
Please be advised that the subject matter may be difficult for viewers.
Please register here. A Zoom link for the screening will be made available to all registrants before the event.