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AmnestyLA Presents “Gender-Based Violence During the Time of COVID-19”

Date & Time
December 6, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST

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AmnestyLA is hosting this panel as part of our advocacy efforts for the international campaign, “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.” The purpose of the panel discussion is to spread awareness about Gender-Based Violence during the time of COVID-19 and to initiate important discussion about the issues surrounding violence against women and girls. GBV exists in every culture and is a global health and human rights problem.

Speakers Include:
Tarah Demant, Amnesty USA: Tarah is the Director of the Gender, Sexuality and Identity program at AIUSA and heads the organization’s work on women’s rights, LGBTI rights, the rights of Indigenous Peoples, and sexual and reproductive rights.

Jasmine Uribe, BreaktheCycle: is a national organization dedicated to helping young people develop healthy relationships and building a culture without abuse. To learn about BreaktheCycle, click: https://www.breakthecycle.org/.

Tani Ikeda: Tani Ikeda is an activist and filmmaker, who founded the powerful movement, #SurvivorLoveLetter. The movement is a letter-writing campaign to write inspiring messages for survivors of sexual assault. To read about this amazing movement, click: https://www.survivorloveletter.com/home.

Aidan Stark Chessa, SafeBae: is a survivor-founded, student-led organization. SafeBae’s mission to help middle and high school students and help promote cultural change through raising awareness about issues such as dating violence, assault


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