Sevim Yetkiner, chair of the Mus branch of the Human Rights Association was released from Erzurum prison in eastern Turkey on August 6, 2003. Sevim Yetkiner was imprisoned in Mus province, southeast Turkey, on July 17, 2003 after attending the funeral of a member of the illegal armed group the Kurdistan Worker’s Party. She told Amnesty International, “The 21 days that I spent in prison reinforced my commitment in the struggle for human rights. This is a struggle that everyone in society should join”. She is convinced that appeals from UA network had a huge impact on her treatment in the prison; she noticed a positive difference in her conditions and the attitude of the prison administration towards her. She also attributes her swift release to the pressure of the Amnesty International’s campaigning. She thanked the organization warmly and said, “The appeals sent by AI members are effective and important — I have seen first-hand how important they are”.