Jamila Nabgan is now free on bail, and is no longer being detained for 14 hours a day by the Ministry of Intelligence. She had been arrested at her family home in Shush, Khuzestan province, on 19 October by Ministry of Intelligence officers. She was released on bail five days later, on condition she reported every morning to the Ministry of Intelligence detention facility in Ahvas, Khuzestan province, where she would be detained from 8 am until 10pm. Her brother, Habib Nabgan, is a prominent member of the outlawed political party Lejnat al-Wefaq (Reconcilitation Committee), which promotes the rights of the Arab minority in Iran. His wife, Ma’soumeh Ka’bi, fled to Syria in May 2008, and the authorities believe she had help from Jamila Nabgan. Jamila Nabgan had been arrested in May 2008 and held for two days of questioning about her sister-in-law’s flight to Syria, at the Ministry of Intelligence detention facility in Ahwaz.