Good News! – Defamation Investigation Suspended (Indonesia: UA 189/16)


Indonesian police suspended their investigation into a defamation complaint against human rights activist Haris Azhar. An investigation is currently underway into his allegations linking security and law enforcement officials to drug-trafficking.  
A spokesperson from the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) announced on 11 August that the investigation into a defamation complaint filed against Haris Azhar on 2 August had been suspended. Haris Azhar had been accused by the Indonesian National Police, the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of violating the 2008 Electronic Information Transaction Law for posting on social media an article linking security and law enforcement officials to drug-trafficking related corruption.
Haris Azhar’s article was based on an interview with a convicted drug-trafficker, Freddy Budiman, which was published on 28 July, a day before authorities carried out Freddy Budiman’s execution together with 3 other prisoners who had also been convicted of drug-related offences. 
On 11 August President Joko Widodo ordered the Chief of the Indonesian National Police to set up an independent team to investigate the allegations made against security and law enforcement officials. The investigation is currently underway. 
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