On 6 August, a judge ordered the release of 'Abdulhakim al-Fadhli who had been detained pending an investigation. However, he will appear before a court in another case on 4 September reportedly on charges including "attacking a security officer".
'Abdullah 'Atallah was released on bail of 50 Kuwaiti Dinars (approximately US$176) on 14 August: he had filed a grievance on 10 August about the new extension of his detention which contravened Article 69 (3) of Law No. 3 of 2012, which stipulates that the period of remand should not exceed 40 days from the date of arrest. His preventive detention had been renewed four times for a period of 10 days. It is unclear if he will appear in court on charges of "illegal gathering", "disobeying police officers' orders to disperse" and "inciting to gathering"