• Urgent Action

Urgent Action Update: Health Concerns for Prisoner of Conscience (Viet Nam: UA 30.19)

March 19, 2019

Prisoner of conscience Huỳnh Trương Ca continues to suffer from several illnesses behind bars including lung disease, stomach problem and diabetes. The authorities at his previous facility failed to provide him with adequate medical treatment, now they moved him to another prison further away from his home. We urge the Vietnamese government to release Huỳnh Trương Ca immediately and unconditionally.

  1. Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
  2. Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 30.19. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc Số 1, Hoàng Hoa Thám, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam Fax: +84 80 48924 Email: [email protected]
Ambassador H.E. Ha Kim Ngoc Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 1233 20th St NW Ste 400, Washington DC 20036 Phone: 202 861 0737 I Fax: 202 861 0917 Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Ambassador

Dear Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, I write to express my grave concern regarding the situation of Huỳnh Trương Ca who, despite suffering from several illnesses including diabetes, lung disease and high blood pressure, was moved without warning to Xuân Lộc prison on 7 March. The new detention centre is situated 250km away from his home town, making it very difficult for his family to visit him and bring him necessary supplies. Huỳnh Trương Ca was arrested on 4 September 2018 while on his way to participate in a peaceful protest in Ho Chi Minh city. Convicted and sentenced to five years and six months in prison solely for peacefully exercising his fundamental rights, he is a prisoner of conscience and should be immediately released. Therefore, I urge you Prime Minister to release Huỳnh Trương Ca immediately and unconditionally to demonstrate Vietnam is a country where human rights are respected. Yours sincerely, ADDITIONAL RESOURCES