UA: Egypt Third 110.23
This action ended on April 8, 2024

Despite a February court order for his release, Egyptian authorities are continuing to arbitrarily detain Oqba Hashad who has been in prolonged pretrial detention for almost five years. Instead of releasing him, security forces subjected him to enforced disappearance from February 22 to March 2, 2024, when prosecutors renewed his pretrial detention pending investigations into bogus charges in a new case. He continues to be held in 10th of Ramadan Prison, where authorities are cruelly denying him a prosthetic leg, which he needs to walk unassisted as his right leg has been amputated above the knee since his childhood. Egyptian authorities should release him immediately and unconditionally as his detention is solely linked to his brother’s human rights activism. 

take action:

  • Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
  • Click here to let us know the actions you took on Third Urgent Action 110.23. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.

contact information:

Public Prosecutor Mohamed Shawky Ayyad 

Office of the Public Prosecutor; Madinat al-Rehab; Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt

Fax: +202 2577 4716;

Twitter: @EgyptianPPO

Egyptian Embassy in the United States

Ambassador Motaz Mounir Zahran

3521 International Court, NW,

Washington DC 20008

Email:  [email protected]

Salutation: Dear Ambassador Motaz Mounir Zahran

sample letter:

Dear Counselor, or Dear Ambassador,

I write to express my concern about the continued arbitrary detention of 26-year-old student, Oqba Hashad, solely for his brother’s activism. Oqba Hashad has been held without trial since May 20, 2019. On February 20, 2024, a judge ordered his release on the grounds that his pretrial detention in Case No. 7769/2019 of the Supreme Security State Prosecution (SSSP) had exceeded the two-year limit under Egyptian law, prosecutors ordered his detention in a new Case No. 3391/2023 of the SSSP on similar bogus charges of joining and financing a terrorist group. After his transfer from Wadi al-Natroun prison to Ashmoun Police station on February 22 in preparation for his release, authorities subjected him to enforced disappearance until March 2, 2024, when he appeared at the SSSP, without a lawyer of his choosing. During this period, Oqba Hashad was denied any contact with his family and lawyer.   

Oqba Hashad’s right leg is amputated above the knee, and he requires a prosthetic leg to move unassisted. When his relatives visited him in 10th of Ramadan prison on March 14, he told them that he was not allowed to bring his prosthetic leg with him after his transfer from Wadi al-Natroun prison. Prison authorities continue to deny Oqba Hashad a prosthetic leg. 

I urge you to ensure that Oqba Hashad is immediately and unconditionally released and all charges against him dropped. Pending his release, he must be granted a suitable prosthetic leg as well as regular access to his family, lawyers, and adequate healthcare, and held in conditions that comply with international standards for the treatment of prisoners.

Yours sincerely,