On February 19, 2024, Juan Carlos Marrufo was unexpectedly transferred to Venezuelan prison Rodeo I, almost three years into his politically motivated arbitrary detention. While his health deteriorates, the authorities deny him testing and treatment. María Auxiliadora Delgado, married to Juan Carlos and arbitrarily detained since March 19, 2019, requires immediate medical tests. Emirlendris Benitez, arbitrarily arrested in August 2018, suffers ailments resulting from the torture she was subjected to. She requires immediate surgery to treat her conditions. We call on president Nicolás Maduro to ensure their release and, while in custody, ensure they receive medical attention immediately.
take action:
- Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
- Click here to let us know the actions you took on Third Urgent Action 96.23. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
contact information:
President Nicolas Maduro
Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela,
Edificio Palacio de Miraflores,
Avenida Urdaneta,
Caracas, Venezuela
Twitter: @NicolasMaduro
Permanent Mission of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
His Excellency Mr. Héctor Constant Rosales
335 East 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
Email: [email protected]
Salutation: Dear Ambassador Mr. Héctor Constant Rosales
sample letter:
Dear Mr. Nicolas Maduro, or Dear Ambassador,
The authorities responsible for the life and safety of all detainees in Venezuela must immediately stop withholding medical care. The neglect of the health of Emirlendris Benítez, Juan Carlos Marrufo, and María Auxiliadora Delgado is unacceptable and violates their human rights. All three need urgent medical attention, which authorities under your command must provide immediately.
Emirlendris Benítez is a mother, sister, and businessowner who should have never been detained. She is victim of arbitrary detention, torture, gender-based violence, discrimination, unfair trial, and inhumane prison conditions. She requires urgent surgery to treat potentially life-threatening health conditions. María Auxiliadora Delgado and Juan Carlos Marrufo have been unfairly detained for approximately three years. Both require urgent medical tests to treat health conditions that put their safety at risk. They were first arrested on March 19, 2019, and they are victims of arbitrary detentions, inhumane detention conditions, and have been deprived of plans of growing their family.
Emirlendris Benítez, Juan Carlos Marrufo, and María Auxiliadora Delgado should be immediately and unconditionally released. While they remain in custody of the state, you must urgently grant them access to trusted and adequate medical care, including urgent testing and treatment.
Yours sincerely,
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