• Urgent Action

Urgent Action: Hundreds Stranded At Mexico-Guatemala Border (Mexico/Guatemala: UA 130.17)

June 8, 2017

Approximately 400 people from rural Guatemala are stranded at the Mexico-Guatemala border in temporary shelters and tents, without adequate access to water, food, or medical supplies, after a Guatemalan court order was executed to evict them. Babies, children and elderly people are suffering from conditions such as diarrhea and fever, and there is little access to humanitarian support.

Approximately 400 people from rural Guatemala are stranded at the Mexico-Guatemala border in temporary shelters and tents, without adequate access to water, food, or medical supplies, after a Guatemalan court order was executed to evict them. Babies, children and elderly people are suffering from conditions such as diarrhea and fever, and there is little access to humanitarian support. 1) TAKE ACTION Write a letter, send an email, call, fax or tweet:
  • Calling on the Mexican and Guatemalan authorities to urgently and significantly enhance the attention to basic humanitarian needs such as medical supplies and attention, food, water and shelter and ensure that protection of the population, particularly children, adolescents and elderly people without shelter is the first priority, beyond military or security objectives in the area;
  • Calling on the Guatemalan authorities to promptly reinitiate dialogue with affected communities in order to address long-standing land issues in the region.
  • Calling on Mexican authorities to guarantee the human rights of those people who cross the border into Mexican territory and prioritize humanitarian objectives above immigration enforcement measures at this time.

Contact these three officials by 20 July, 2017:

Mexican Minister of Interior Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong Secretaría de Gobernación Bucareli 99, Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06600 Ciudad de México, México Twitter: @osoriochong Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Minister / Sr. Ministro

Ambassador Gladys Marithza Ruiz de Vielman, Embassy of Guatemala 2220 R St. NW, Washington DC 20008 T: 202.745.4953 -OR- 202.745.3873 Email: [email protected] Contact Form: http://guatemalaembassyusa.org/la-embajada/contacta-con-nosotros/ Salutation: Dear Ambassador

Ambassador Geronimo Gutierrez Fernandez, Embassy of Mexico 1911 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20006 Phone: 1 202 728 1600 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @EmbamexEUA; @GERONIMO__GF Salutation: Dear Ambassador

2) LET US KNOW YOU TOOK ACTION Click here to let us know if you took action on this case! This is Urgent Action 130.17 Here’s why it is so important to report your actions: we record the actions taken on each case—letters, emails, calls and tweets—and use that information in our advocacy.