• Urgent Action

Iran: Release Amir Amirgholi (UA 108/16)

May 10, 2016

Iranian activist Amir Amirgholi was sentenced in early 2016 to 19 years and six months in prison following an hour-long trial on charges that stem from his peaceful activism.

Iranian activist Amir Amirgholi was sentenced in early 2016 to 19 years and six months in prison following an hour-long trial on charges that stem from his peaceful activism. He is held in Evin Prison in poor conditions and is awaiting the date of his appeal hearing.
1) Please write immediately in Persian, English, Arabic, French, Spanish or your own language:
  • Calling on the Iranian authorities to release Ali Amirgholi, also known as Amir Amirgholi, immediately and unconditionally and to quash his conviction and sentence as they arise from the peaceful exercise of his rights; 
  • Calling on them to ensure that he is protected from torture and other ill-treatment and that he has regular access to a lawyer of his choice and to his family, and any medical treatment he might require;
  • Reminding them that the UN Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners (Mandela Rules) require, so far as possible, separate prisons or sections of a prison for the treatment of different categories of prisoners.
2) For the full Urgent Action, including appeal addresses and further information, please click on the Word or PDF version below.
3) Please let us know if you took action so that we can track our impact! 
  • EITHER send a short email to [email protected] with "UA 108/16" in the subject line, and include in the body of the email the number of letters and/or emails you sent, 
  • OR fill out this short online form to let us know how you took action.