Good News! – Alternative Housing Provided For Ten Families

UA: Mongolia 77/16
This action ended on March 31, 2016

Ten families from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar (UB), previously facing homelessness during this severe winter, have been provided with alternative housing. The Building is now empty of inhabitants.
Ten families from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia who had been enduring extreme winter conditions without adequate housing, have been provided with alternative housing.

Ten families from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar (UB), previously facing homelessness during this severe winter, have been provided with alternative housing. The Building is now empty of inhabitants.
Ten families from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia who had been enduring extreme winter conditions without adequate housing, have been provided with alternative housing. The Deputy Governor of UB wrote to Amnesty International on 24 November to confirm that the Governor's Office has solved these households’ issues and given keys for temporary accommodation on 17 October, 2016.
Lundeejantsan, a resident who moved out in late October 2016, has sent his heartfelt thanks to Amnesty activists for their support:
“I got a two room apartment which is warm and cosy and I am living with my daughter’s family. This could not happen without help of Amnesty. I am very grateful.”
While Amnesty International welcomes the relocation of the ten families, we will continue to monitor the situation of Building #3 and the redevelopment in Ulaanbaatar as a lack of effective and systemic safeguards could result in others facing a similar fate. No further action is required on behalf of Building #3 inhabitants, as all 200 residents have sought refuge elsewhere.
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