Argentina: Release Belén

UA: 95/16
This action ended on May 2, 2016

Belén continues to be detained in Tucuman Province, northern Argentina, after suffering a miscarriage in a public hospital. On 12 May, her release was denied.

Belén continues to be detained in Tucuman Province, northern Argentina, after suffering a miscarriage in a public hospital. On 12 May, her release was denied. Medical personnel and police officials violated her right to privacy and have unfairly accused and mistreated her.
1) Please write immediately in Spanish or in your own language:
  • Urging the authorities to  release Belen immediately and unconditionally, guaranteeing that no criminal process is conducted against her nor any other girl or woman who suffers a miscarriage or other obstetric complications;
  • Calling on them to instruct health professionals to guarantee the doctor-patient duty of confidentiality and to guarantee mechanisms to sanction anyone who fails to protect women’s right to privacy;
  • Urging the authorities to open a prompt, impartial and independent investigation into the allegations of ill-treatment and infringements on the right to privacy committed both by health professionals and police officers. 
2) For the full Urgent Action, including appeal addresses and further information, please click on the Word or PDF version below.
3) Please let us know if you took action so that we can track our impact! 
  • EITHER send a short email to [email protected] with “UA 95/16” in the subject line, and include in the body of the email the number of letters and/or emails you sent, 
  • OR fill out this short online form to let us know how you took action.