Pledge Your Support to Amnesty International

September 2, 2010

Alone, a candle – Amnesty’s symbol – is a fragile, flickering light that can be extinguished by a whisper.  Shared by millions, it becomes a shining beacon of hope.  It becomes Amnesty International.

This month, we’re passing the candle to you.  Keep it bright with your gift.  Pass it on to inspire others to join our movement.

“It means a great deal to those who are oppressed to know that they are not alone. And never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is insignificant.” – Bishop Desmond Tutu

Just this year alone, you’ve helped us:

  • free Musaad Abu Fagr, an Egyptian activist who was wrongly imprisoned
  • return former Guantanamo detainee Mohammed al-Odaini, who had been held without charge or trial for 8 years, back home to Yemen
  • create a safer environment for Rita Mahato, who works to protect abused women in Nepal
  • protect the human rights of so many more!

Our work is possible because of your support.  The light for human rights shines brighter because you’re there to protect it.  Thank you.