U.S. Hikers Still Imprisoned in Iran

July 30, 2010

Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal have been held without charge for a year © APGraphicsBank

One year ago a trip turned into a nightmare for 3 young Americans when they were arrested by Iranian forces while hiking in the Iraq-Iran border area.  Since then, Shane Michael Bauer, Joshua Felix Fattal and Sarah Emily Shourd, have been held without charge or trial at Tehran’s notorious Elvin Prison in what some suspect is a political ploy.

Though Iranian authorities have alleged that the three planned to carry out “acts of espionage” in Iran, statements by senior Iranian leaders – including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in February 2010 – have suggested that the three may be being detained in order to put pressure on the U.S. government and to extract diplomatic concessions.   Just last month The Nation uncovered that the hikers were in fact seized in Iraq and taken forcibly into Iran.

The fact that Shane, Joshua and Sarah remain detained after a year without any charges is very serious. It is apparent that questioning ended several months ago and the failure to charge them has added to the speculation that Iranian authorities may be holding them as a bargaining chip in Iran-U.S. relations. If this is truly the case, then the continuing detention of these three individuals would amount to hostage-taking and be a very serious abuse of human rights.

The hikers have been detained without access to their family-appointed Iranian lawyer or the Swiss embassy officials who represent US consular interests in Iran. Additionally, they have been denied needed medical attention and contact with their families.

The mothers of the hikers recently met with Amnesty International in our UK office to talk about their long and frustrating campaign to bring the hikers home.  You can watch the video below.

Amnesty International is demanding that Iranian officials release these three U.S. nationals and allow them to leave Iran unless they are to face recognizable criminal charges and be tried promptly according to recognized international standards for fair trial.