Help Beatriz with One More Request: Stand Up for Other Women & Girls

July 9, 2013

Beatriz ThanksAs you know, activism inside El Salvador (led by the Citizens’ Group for the Decriminalization of Abortion) and around the globe helped save Beatriz, the young Salvadoran mother whose life was jeopardized by the absolute ban on abortion in El Salvador.

We would like to share a note that Beatriz wrote to express her gratitude to all those who took part in this effort:

To my friends from the Colectivo Feminista and everywhere else:

I want to thank you for having supported me all the way, and without you I think I wouldn’t have been able to stand being in the hospital.

I also want to thank you for all the actions you took for my life.

This situation has been very difficult and without your support I wouldn’t have been able to get through it.

I hope my example serves so that other women won’t have to go through what I suffered.

And I’m very happy because now I’m going to be with my son and with my family again.

Well, that’s all that I wanted to say, and with these words of thanks I will sign off,

Best wishes,

She hopes that her example prevents other women from suffering as she did. You can help make this wish a reality by taking part in Amnesty International’s campaign, My Body, My Rights!

While some argue that abortion is never (or almost never) necessary to protect the life and health of women and girls, Beatriz’s case is far from rare. In some countries, complications from pregnancy are the leading cause of death among girls between the ages of 15 and 19.

Find out how you can take action on this issue, and learn more about our campaign to demand that governments recognize and treat sexual and reproductive health as a human right, by downloading Amnesty’s My Body, My Rights! Toolkit.

You can also stay up-to-date on Amnesty’s work on women’s rights by joining the Women’s Human Rights Action Network.