Annual Report: Ukraine 2011
Head of state: Viktor Yanukovich (replaced Viktor Yushchenko in February) Head of government: Mykola Azarov (replaced Yuliya Timoshenko in March)…
June 20, 2011

Press Release
Afghan Citizens Beaten in Detention at Ukraine Airport, Says Amnesty International
Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseWednesday, March 16, 2011Afghan Citizens Beaten in Detention at Ukraine Airport, Says Amnesty International Contact:…
March 27, 2011

Press Release
Afghan Citizens Beaten in Detention at Ukraine Airport, Says Amnesty International
Amnesty International Media ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseWednesday, March 16, 2011Afghan Citizens Beaten in Detention at Ukraine Airport, Says Amnesty International Contact:…
March 27, 2011

Annual Report: Ukraine 2010
Head of state Viktor Yushchenko Head of government Yuliya Timoshenko Death penalty abolitionist for all crimes Population 45.7 million Life…
March 19, 2011