Press Release
Car bomb killing of journalist despicable attack on freedom of expression in Ukraine
This morning’s killing of prominent journalist Pavel Sheremet by a car bomb in central Kyiv is a reprehensible act that…
July 20, 2016

Press Release
Ukraine: Torture and Secret Detention on Both Sides of the Conflict Line
Both the Ukrainian government authorities and Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine are holding civilians in prolonged arbitrary, and sometimes secret…
July 20, 2016

Press Release
Ukraine: Murder of lawyer a chilling blow to justice
The hideous murder of lawyer Yuri Grabovski, whose body was found in central Ukraine bearing gunshot wounds, is a chilling…
March 25, 2016

Press Release
Russia: Nadiya Savchenko must get a retrial after ‘deeply politicized’ guilty verdict
The case of Ukrainian helicopter pilot Nadiya Savchenko, found guilty of murder today by a court in southern Russia, must…
March 21, 2016

Press Release
Amnesty International’s Annual State of the World Report Slams Governments, Including the U.S., for Global Assault on Freedoms
On the launch of its 2015 State of the World report, Amnesty International USA urged President Obama to use his…
February 22, 2016

Press Release
Your rights in jeopardy, global assault on freedoms, warns Amnesty International
International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led…
February 18, 2016

Amnesty International State of the World 2015-2016
International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led…
February 18, 2016

Press Release
Ukraine: Communist Party ban decisive blow for freedom of speech in the country
Yesterday’s banning of the Communist Party in Ukraine is a flagrant violation of freedom of expression and association and should…
December 17, 2015

Use of Force – Guidelines for Implementation of the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by law enforcement officials
From the streets of Ferguson, Missouri to the favelas of Brazil, the police use of force and firearms makes global…
September 2, 2015

Breaking Bodies: Torture and Summary Killings in Eastern Ukraine
Overwhelming evidence of ongoing war crimes, including torture and summary killings of prisoners, serve as a stark reminder of the…
May 21, 2015

State of the World 2014/2015
This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up…
February 25, 2015

Summary Killings During the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
An Amnesty International investigation into allegations of execution-style and other deliberate killings by pro-Russian separatists and pro-Kyiv forces has found…
October 19, 2014