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Showing 853-862 of 862 Results


Fears Grow for Iran Stoning Case Lawyer and Son

As reports surfaced this week of the imminent execution of Iran’s Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, we are also grew increasingly concerned with the fate of her lawyer and son.  We fear…

November 3, 2010


Arizona Ignores Trial Judge, Kills Prisoner

"The death penalty in this case is not appropriate and never has been." That’s what former judge Cheryl Hendrix told Arizona’s Board of Executive Clemency in support of Jeffrey Landrigan’s effort…

October 27, 2010


The power of World Press Freedom Day

Today, World Press Freedom Day provides an opportunity for people around the world to celebrate the fundamental human right to freedom of expression.  Every day, journalists around the world face…

May 3, 2010


Don't Quota Me

On February 22, James Chaparro's sixth day on the job as the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) behemoth detention and removal operation, he issued a memo directing all…

March 30, 2010


Hey India, Help Free Aung San Suu Kyi

India should use it's democratic cred and influence as a rising global power to help Aung San Suu Kyi and other Prisoners of Conscience (POC) in Myanmar. In 1993, the…

January 24, 2010


The Story of Maajid Nawaz

Maajid Nawaz is a British citizen of Pakistani descent who became involved in his youth with the radical Islamic Liberation Party (Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami), undertaking missions for the party in…

November 24, 2009


Dollars and cents of new health care legislation

While protesters have been occupying House Speaker Pelosi's office, demanding a health care system that serves "Patients not Profit", the House of Representatives is preparing to vote on the market-based…

November 6, 2009


SADC Tribunal Struggles for Legitimacy

UPDATE, September 24, 2009 "SADC Executive Secretary Tomaz Salamao told VOA that Harare’s move to repudiate the tribunal has been referred to the ministers of justice of the regional bloc's…

September 3, 2009


Roxana Saberi Freed!

[caption id="attachment_2043" align="alignleft" width="145" caption="Journalist Roxana Saberi filming footage in Tehran. (c) BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images"][/caption] We're happy to report that American-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi was freed from prison in Iran!…

May 11, 2009


Seven Years Later: Our Power, Our Responsibility

This week we mark the 7th anniversary of the day the U.S. government first began warehousing “enemy combatants,” terrorism suspects and hapless wrong-place-wrong-time detainees at Guantánamo.  Since then, hundreds of…

January 12, 2009