RAC’22: Request for Proposals

2022 Regional Activism Conference Request for Proposals

The 2022 RAC will provide a virtual and in-person space for members/activists to connect with one another and to get tools/ training that will help them engage in the priority campaigns and advance the programs and organizational goals. As a membership based organization, Amnesty International works to build and uphold partnerships between volunteer leaders and staff. It is through shared leadership that we do our best work. All members who plan to submit a proposal are encouraged to contact the appropriate staff members and member leaders who work on a region or issue area, if applicable. After the sessions are voted on and approved you will be connected to the relevant staff and member leaders to ensure messaging and information alignment.

Submission Deadline and Notes

All submissions must be received by August 15th at 11:59pm ET. There are no exceptions. Please email [email protected] with any questions related to your submission. Please make sure suggested speakers are available October 21st-23rd. Friday 3 PM – 8:30 PM ET, Sat 9 AM ET- 8:30 PM ET and Sunday 9 AM ET – 4:00 PM ET. This is so that we can balance staff/member leads as well as skill/educational sessions in each workshop block. We do not reserve or hold sessions for any submissions in advance.

review for your producer

All presentations and materials need to be submitted to your session producer by 12 PM ET October 17th for review for your producer. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

Personal Information

I'm an AIUSA member?(Required)

Proposal Information

This section is required for all proposals. Please complete each question.
Please select a session type(Required)

Do you commit to attending our training session(s)?(Required)
Intended Primary audience(Required)
Intended Audience Level of Understanding(Required)

Please enter all information as you would like it to appear on the program.

Each session organizer of a workshop or panel is responsible for securing the commitment of the facilitator(s), moderator(s) and/or panelist/speakers(s) and coordinating communication between AIUSA and facilitator(s) or panelist/speakers(s). A session organizer may also be a facilitator, moderator, or panelist. Each session organizer of a workshop or panel is responsible for assuring that the content of the proposal fits a 60 minute time frame. Session organizers, moderators and/or facilitators of approved program sessions receive complimentary registration.
Please select for whom of the following you are submitting additional information:(Required)
