One-Day, Pop-Up Art Exhibit and Event Brought Thousands to New Orleans Site and Spread to Millions on Social Media
MEDIA CONTACT: Mandy Simon, [email protected] or Robyn Shepherd, [email protected]
(NEW ORLEANS, LA) – Thousands of people gathered in New Orleans on Saturday to join Amnesty International USA’s Art for Amnesty inaugural event Art for Rights– a one-day, free, pop-up art event, to bring attention to human rights abuses happening all over the world. Joined by Usher Raymond IV, in partnership with, over a dozen artists including Brandan "BMike" Odums, Danilo “El Sexto” Maldonado Machado, Hebru Brantley, Katie Yamasaki, Kristy Sandoval, Ricky Lee Gordon, and more created pieces to highlight human rights cases.
Art for Rights’ presence on social media was staggering, with posts reaching 160.5 million people on Twitter, 227.6 million on Facebook and 22.3 million on Instagram.
“With thousands of people on site and over 600 million people reached on social media, I couldn’t be prouder of the attendance and impact of our first Art for Rights event,” said Marvin Bing, National Director of Art for Amnesty at Amnesty International USA. “Art for Amnesty and this event are founded on the principle that artists have a unique power to bring people together and to promote social change. Art for Amnesty USA created Art for Rights because we know that the passion of artists and activists committed to change is a powerful force. This is just the beginning. The time for that positive and permanent change is here.”
Art for Rights is part of Amnesty’s Write for Rights campaign, which runs from December 4 – 18. During that time hundreds of thousands of Amnesty International members and supporters around the world will send letters, emails and tweets supporting individuals who are facing human rights abuses.
**Photos of the event are available here (please note credit in captions)**
For more information on Art for Rights, go to:
To learn more about Art for Amnesty, go to:
Follow Art for Amnesty on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr.
To learn more about Usher’s work with Sankofa, go to:
Amnesty International is a Nobel Peace Prize-winning global movement of more than 7 million people in over 160 countries who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. The organization investigates and exposes abuses, educates and mobilizes the public, and works to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.
Art for Amnesty collaborates with creative industries and individuals to amplify and share the stories of those who risk much to build a world that protects and promotes human rights and human dignity. Through art, film, photography, music, theatre, festivals, and literature, we can share the stories of the people behind the statistics, to ensure that their struggles to claim their rights, as well as the abuses they have experienced, are brought to the heart of public consciousness. Artists have a unique power to bring people together and to promote social change. More than ever before, we need creative ways to acknowledge these human stories, to stand with human rights defenders the world over to tell the world the truth. Art for Amnesty brings the power, creativity, and passion of creative people who believe in freedom of expression to projects and campaigns with potential to reach new audiences and inspire creative activism for human rights around the world. Even small actions, when brought together, have the power to generate great change. Create with us.