“As an organization dedicated to defending everyone’s human rights in the U.S. and around the world, Amnesty International USA calls on the new Biden administration to act immediately to end human rights violations perpetrated by the U.S. government, including the detention and separation of children and their families seeking safety.
“While the current administration committed numerous human rights violations, many violations preceded Donald Trump. In order to begin to turn the tide on the long history of U.S. human right violations, President-elect Biden and Congress must prioritize a bold human rights agenda. We have developed eleven key human rights priorities and will be working with our members to ensure they are implemented and upheld, including police violence, gun violence, refugees, gender, arms sales, and free expression.
“We’ve been defending freedom from dictators and bullies around the world for six decades–and we’re not about to stop now. We will work to build momentum around these changes we are demanding of the U.S. government and hold the Biden administration accountable to U.S. human rights obligations.”