Responding to the death of Chow Tsz-lok, a student protester who fell from a car park on November 4 while reportedly fleeing clashes with police, Man-Kei Tam, Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong said:
“There must be an urgent investigation into the events which led up to Chow Tsz-lok’s fall, including into allegations that officers delayed an ambulance crew who were attempting to reach him.
“Reports that Chow Tsz-lok was fleeing tear gas when he fell demonstrate the dangers of indiscriminate deployment of tear gas, and underline the need for the Hong Kong police to exercise restraint and try to deescalate clashes with protesters.
“In recent weeks the Hong Kong authorities have granted themselves sweeping new powers to suppress protests, and invoked the Emergency Regulations Ordinance to ban face coverings at public gatherings. Tactics deployed by the Hong Kong police has been increasingly alarming, marked by an apparent thirst for retaliation.
“There is little faith in existing internal investigative mechanisms. This is why we are calling for an independent and impartial investigation into Chow Tsz-lok’s death – as well as all instances of excessive force against protesters during the Anti-ELAB demonstrations – and to deliver prosecutions, justice and reparation.”