“We’ll start with this: Abortion is a human right. You better believe we’re not going quietly, or that the outcome of this vote will slow us down. Today, the U.S. Senate failed to enshrine as federal law the basic protections that women, girls and people who can become pregnant have enjoyed for nearly 50 years. Roe v. Wade has served as a bulwark protecting rights for millions of people who exercise their choice over what happens to their bodies. The U.S. government’s failure to deliver will not be the last word on abortion. We have a long road to travel together as we await the Supreme Court decision and as states are capitalizing on the recent SCOTUS leak to further restrict abortion rights – but we will not stop fighting for our rights.
“Abortion is a basic and essential healthcare need for millions of women, girls, and people who can become pregnant. We stand with the over 10 million people who represent the Amnesty movement. Generations of people have advocated for the right to abortion in the United States, and those of us here today cannot and will not stand by as the rights of millions of people in the U.S. are trampled.”
Contact: Gabby Arias, [email protected]