In response to today’s vote in the U.S House of Representative that passed the first national anti-trans youth bill, Tarah Demant, Amnesty International USA National Director for Programs, said:
“This bill is part of a coordinated, vitriolic attack on the rights and lives of transgender youth and LGBTQI+ people across the country.”
“The bill purports to protect the rights of women by restricting the rights of transgender students from playing on women’s or girls’ sports teams and seeking to amend federal law to redefine sex as being recognized solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth. Transgender women are women, and legislation that seeks to curtail their rights or erase them does not in any way protect cisgender women.”
“This House bill comes on the heels of multiple states passing extreme anti-trans and anti-LGBTQI+ bills. Over 490 bills have been introduced in 49 states this year attacking the rights and oftentimes the very existence of transgender people. Multiple states have passed extreme measures, criminalizing gender-affirming care, erasing LGBTQI+ people from curriculum, and stripping parental rights from parents who support their trans children.”
“These bills are cruel efforts to stigmatize, marginalize, and even erase LGBTQI+ people, especially transgender people. Transgender rights are human rights, the United States must protect these rights at every level.”
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