Malalai Habibi is Afghanistan Advocacy Fellow at Amnesty International USA. Over the past years, she has contributed to advancing the women, peace, and security, concentrating specifically on Afghanistan and the Middle East, while working with the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN). Malalai also serves as an advisor with the Afghanistan Program for Peace and Development, an initiative of the Kroc Institute designed to amplify the voices of Afghan peace and development practitioners and scholars.
Malalai has published opinion pieces on range of national and international media outlets on women, peace and security in the context of Afghanistan and the broader region, including the Hill, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, and the BBC in English and Farsi. She has appeared on media outlets. Malalai is a recipient of the Kroc Fellowship and earned her MA in Global Affairs, International Peace Studies from the Keough School at the University of Notre Dame.