Home / Get Involved / Grassroots Activism / Youth Activism / Request a Speaker Home / Get Involved / Grassroots Activism / Youth Activism / Request a Speaker Request a Speaker Name*Phone*Email address* Are you current involved with Amnesty International? Local Group Student Group Member Leader Faith in Action Network Other I’m not currently involved with Amnesty International If you are part of an Amnesty group, please list your group number/name or school name.City*State*Is there a particular event or time frame for which you are seeking a speaker?Most of our speakers are available virtually, although some might be in person depending on where the event is taking place. Please indicate which types of speakers you are interested in. Virtual In person Which topic(s) are you interested in having someone speak on?* Introduction to Human Rights Introduction to Amnesty International Death Penalty End Gun Violence Gender, Sexuality & Identity (including reproductive rights) Individuals at Risk and/or Prisoners of Conscience National Security & Human Rights (including torture, War on Terror, drones, etc) Refugee & Migrant Rights Other Please provide any additional information about what you would like a speaker to discuss.Please tell us about the expected audience for this speaker.Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your request for a speaker? Δ