Home / Get Involved / Grassroots Activism / Become a Volunteer Leader / Country and Thematic Specialist / Country / Thematic Specialist Application Home / Get Involved / Grassroots Activism / Become a Volunteer Leader / Country and Thematic Specialist / Country / Thematic Specialist Application Country / Thematic Specialist Application Name* First Last Pronouns (if used)Email* Phone*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code How did you learn about this position?Are you a dues-paying member AIUSA (or submitted a dues waiver form)?*Country and Thematic Specialists are required to be card-carrying members of AIUSA. Income waiver is available upon request. Yes No Not Sure Can you make a two-year commitment to this position?* Yes No Maybe What country or thematic issue are you interested in focusing on?*Please describe your expertise and/or experience regarding this country or thematic issue.*How long and in what capacity have you been involved in Amnesty International USA? If you have held any other roles in Amnesty?Have you ever represented Amnesty International USA in international meetings or high level meetings in the US (with relevant government officials, dissidents, etc.)?Please describe any work you have done with other human rights groups and/or other non-governmental organizations.*Have you conducted research concerning human rights related issues? If so, please provide a sample.Please share any relevant articles or publications you have authored.Have you had any direct experience with the news media (such as providing radio/TV interviews, writing opinion articles, etc.)?*Have you given any lectures/talks before a public audience?*What are your language abilities? Please describe language and fluency level.Do you anticipate being outside the US for any length of time during the next two years? If so, for how long and where?Upload Resume*Max. file size: 100 MB.Upload Cover Letter*Max. file size: 100 MB. Δ If you have any questions, please email [email protected].