Update: Thanks to everyone who participated in our Facebook chat! If you weren’t able to make it, the transcript of the chat is now available.
Just ten days after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Mark Stroman went on a shooting spree in Dallas, Texas targeting anyone who appeared to be Middle Eastern.
In the end, two men were left dead and a third man named Rais Bhuiyan would live to fight back.
For one of the two murders, the state of Texas sentenced Stroman to death. His execution date is next month on July 20.
But there’s a catch: Rais is now fighting to save the life of Mark Stroman — the man who tried to kill him. Rais’ message:
“I strongly believe executing him is not a solution. We will just simply lose a human life without dealing with the root cause, which is hate…”
Rais Bhuiyan will be joining us on Facebook to answer your questions on his mission to stop the cycle of killing.
Brian Evans, Amnesty’s Death Penalty Abolition Campaigner will also be participating to answer your questions about capital punishment in the US and beyond.
To Join The Online Chat
To join the chat go to Facebook on June 28th from 1:00-2:00 PM EST and visit the Amnesty International USA Facebook page. After ‘liking’ us, post your questions directly to our “Wall.” RSVP to this event on Facebook.
Please also consider helping Rais Bhuiyan and us stop the cycle of violence by signing the online petition to stop the execution of Mark Stroman.
Chat Rules
- Please keep your questions on topic. We welcome all questions relating to the death penalty and will try to answer them as they are received.
- Unrelated questions will be removed from our Wall feed for the duration of the chat. Thanks for your understanding.
- Please abide by our Community Guidelines
We look forward to answering your questions about this important issue.