Home / Annual Local Group Census 2019 Home / Annual Local Group Census 2019 Annual Local Group Census 2019 Please answer all questions as fully as you can. This information will help us to serve you better and support your work more fully. Group InformationWhat is the name of your group? Group number?*Group Email Address (if different from Group Coordinator's email)* Group Website Group Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)Group Coordinator InformationGroup Coordinator Name* First Last Group Coordinator Email* Group Coordinator Phone Number*Type of phone* Cell Landline Group Coordinator Second Phone Number (optional)Group Coordinator Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Second Group Coordinator Name (if applicable) First Last Second Group Coordinator Email Second Group Coordinator Phone NumberSecond Group Coordinator Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Tell us about your group's workHow frequently does your group meet?*Where does your group meet?*How many active members do you have?*Average size of group meeting?*Does your group send out a newsletter?* Yes No Does your group use, or have access to, a video conferencing platform? (Skype, Zoom, etc)* Yes No Which human rights issues has your group worked on in the past year? Check all that apply.* End Gun Violence Refugee Rights Urgent Action Network Long-term Case commitment Death Penalty Abolition Deadly Force & Police Accountability Women’s Rights LGBTQI Rights Indigenous People’s Rights Security with Human Rights Other OtherWhich activities did your group take part in during the past year? Check all that apply.* Urgent Action Network Long-term case commitment Write for Rights Special Events (film screening, lectures, concert, etc.) Human Rights Day events (December 10) Banned Books events (September) LGBTQI Pride events International Women’s Day events (March) Fundraising for group Lobbying in your district Outreach for new members Demonstrations, vigils or marches Tabling Other OtherWhich resources has your group used in the past year? Check all that apply.* Activism Guide AIUSA website AIUSA online event calendar AIUSA Member Center Member Email Request Form Monthly membership calls Webinars Toolkits Annual General Meeting Regional Conferences State Meeting Field Organizer Member Leaders (AC, SAC, LC, Co-Group, MET, SDPAC) Materials request form (banners, stickers, pens, etc) Other OtherAre there areas of training or more direct support your group would like in the coming year? Check all that apply.* Group growth and retention Leadership transitions Fundraising Planning Working with media & social media Outreach to community partners / coalition building Lobbying Developing a campaign strategy for your group Non-violent direct planning Action and event planning Working on a case commitment Developing leadership within your group Introducing and learning IDEA principles (inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility) Other OtherPlease list the names and email contacts for members of your group. We can link them to your group’s record in AIUSA’s database so they can receive updates, news and announcements (eg. local events; membership call announcements; newsletters, etc) in a timely manner. Since groups tend to meet only once per month, group members may not receive news in adequate time. Include any addresses updated since last year. If anyone wishes not to receive general Amnesty solicitations, and only receive group-related communications, add an asterisk (*) to that name.Add as many names as you wish. List any leadership role(s) they may have.Please share any victories from your group from the past year! Δ