Urgent Action Network

Answer the call to defend people under immediate threat of grave human rights abuse.

Albert Woodfox, spent 44 years in solitary confinement
Albert Woodfox, spent 44 years in solitary confinement

What is the Urgent Action Network?

The concept is simple: Take Action, Change a Life.

Urgent Actions ask our community of volunteers to flood the mailboxes, inboxes, phones and social media of authorities when someone is in imminent danger of human rights violations. Your letters, emails, phone calls, faxes and Tweets have helped to halt executions, support human rights defenders and free prisoners of conscience—people jailed solely for the peaceful expression of their beliefs and identity.

STEP 1: Sign Up Today!

Sign up to receive Urgent Action emails. You can choose to receive all emails or a more limited number. You can also choose to receive emails on specific issues or regions.

STEP 2: Take Action Now!

Urgent Action emails specify the case, local and international government officials to contact, their contact information and suggestions about what to write, say or Tweet.

Our Educator’s Guide

Are you an educator looking for ways to engage your students in human rights? Find out how your students can show their power through letter writing!

Messages of Thanks

In many cases, your action on these cases leads to better conditions for prisoners and their eventual release. Those individuals at the center of these Urgent Actions often send their thanks to Amnesty International, citing that these messages serve as a source of hope.

The reason we could resist the ban and move forward was the international support and solidarity by Amnesty International activists around the world. We could not have gone further without your support.

— ODTÜ LGBTI Solidarity Student Organized Pride March in Turkey (UA 83.18)

I am very grateful for all the support I received while I was in prison. Life in prison was very difficult and I was treated badly, but the support of those who believed in me made me strong.

— Munther Amira Palestinian Human Rights Defender (UA 26.18)

My case once again showed how important solidarity and attention are in protecting the freedom of speech and human rights. I admire your noble work and boundless courage, dear activists.

— Bobomurod Abdullayev POC from Uzbekistan (UA 232.17)

Browse Urgent Actions

Urgent Action

India: Release Journalist Prabhat Singh (UA 69/16)

  A journalist from the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh has been arrested and charged for allegedly sharing a message on Whatsapp criticising the state police. If convicted he could…

March 24, 2016

Urgent Action

Georgia: Protect Rights of LGBTI People (UA 61/16)

  The bill which would amend the Constitution introducing a definition of marriage as a union exclusively between a man and a woman, received the endorsement of the Parliament’s Human…

March 17, 2016

Urgent Action

Malaysia: Protect Detainees from Torture (UA 59/16)

  At least 13 detainees, arrested under the Security Offences Act, have reported torture or other ill-treatment by the authorities and sexual harassment of their family members.   1) Please…

March 16, 2016

Urgent Action

Iran: Release Saeed Hosseinzadeh (UA 56/16)

  Civil society activist and prisoner of conscience Saeed Hosseinzadeh was forced to interrupt his treatment and return to Tehran’s Evin Prison on 11 July after the Office of the…

March 11, 2016