Ground-breaking legislation that could help end violence against women around the world is currently in Senator Kerry’s hands – just in time for mother’s day. What a great gift it would make to mothers and women everywhere if that legislation became reality.
The International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) is an unprecedented effort by the United States to address violence against women globally. One out of every three women worldwide will be physically or sexually abused during her lifetime. Violence against women and girls is a violation of human rights. Violence and abuse devastates the lives of millions of women, knows no national or cultural barriers, and most importantly, it must be stopped.
Amnesty International worked with a coalition of supporters and partners to draft IVAWA. Last week, we sent Senators Kerry and Lugar, the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a final draft of the legislation. Now, it’s up to them to say “yes” to ending violence against women – walk the bill over to the floor of the Senate and reintroduce it this week before Mother’s Day, May 10th.
If you want to make it the best mother’s day ever, let Senators Kerry and Lugar know you think ending violence against women should be a priority by taking action right now. Then send a special Mother’s Day ecard to your family and friends encouraging them to take action with you.
Thanks for defending the rights of mothers and daughters everywhere!