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Amnesty International works to stop Mexico human rights violations. Mexico human rights abuses can end with your support.



Amnesty International works to stop Nicaragua human rights violations. Nicaragua human rights abuses can end with your support.


Torture and Abuse in Egypt: The North Carolina Connection

[caption id="attachment_17297" align="alignleft" width="257" caption="N227SV plane used in rendition flights."][/caption] News that after five days of protests Omar Suleiman has been named vice president of Egypt is a reminder that…

January 29, 2011


Did You Write for Rights?

[caption id="attachment_16680" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="A Write for Rights event in France"][/caption] It has been fantastic to hear about the Write for Rights activities that have taken place around the world!…

January 7, 2011


The Four Biggest Death Penalty Trends in 2010

The unworkable and degrading nature of capital punishment in the U.S. continued to reveal itself throughout 2010. The pace of executions slowed considerably as the year progressed, and the last…

December 21, 2010


Standing Up for Women in the DRC

This post is part of our Write for Rights Series Yesterday, the UN Group of Experts on the DRC just released their newest report. In it, they describe how army…

November 30, 2010


Indonesia Must Block Virginity Tests for School Girls

As reports surfaced of Indonesian high schools forcing their female students to take pregnancy and virginity tests, we’re getting concerned about the effect this will have on women’s rights throughout…

November 15, 2010


Congress Seeks to Improve Prison Conditions Around the World

For years, we’ve documented horrendous conditions in prisons all around the world in our Annual Report. Detainees are often held in inhumane prison conditions, including overcrowding and inadequate food, water…

October 4, 2010


Rio de Janeiro, Victimized by Drug Dealers

Rio de Janeiro is back on the headlines. This time it’s not for its role future role hosting the World Cup in 2014 or the Olympic games in 2016. Rather,…

September 7, 2010