
Deliverance From Torture

The US has been long on rhetoric and short on action for too long. Torture is a crime and impunity is unacceptable.

June 16, 2011


The Dirty Secret About ‘Clean’ Torture

Maher Arar's story should be a warning to anyone who thinks that the evidence of torture is always obvious. Democratic stats have long used 'clean' torture when worried about bad…

June 14, 2011


Three Words of Omission When It Comes to Torture

"Not a single one of us professional interrogators endorses torture." A former senior military interrogator exposes the popular myth that torture helps the US fight terrorism.

June 9, 2011


The Long Fight for Justice in Egypt after Mubarak

Egyptian authorities must provide justice to victims of violent repression during mass protests earlier this year. Amnesty's new report documents abuses that led to at least 840 deaths.

May 20, 2011